Thursday, June 30, 2011

The past 3 days have been filled with a variety of experiences, all of which have been both memorable and life changing. We have done everything from visit a leprosy hospital in Chennai to seeing a snake charmer in a leprosy colony milk the snake for his venom. All of it has really been quite quite incredible. I don't have a lot of time right now because it is 2 40 am and we are about to leave for the airport to go to Delhi. But I will add more when we get back on Sunday. I guess the most memorable part of this week has been getting to know a little girl in our house named Suda. She is only 4 or 5 I would say and probably the cutest thing I have ever seen. It has taken me a while to get Suda to feel totally comfortable with me but she finally does and we have become really close I think. Sadly, I just found out a few days ago that Suda has contracted leprosy. So she is currently be treated for it. From what I understand they have discovered it early enough that she can be cured but it is still a difficult process. Yesterday Suda had to go to the hospital to get a skin graft (I think that's what it's called?) so they could take some samples of her skin. She had to get stitches after and was very sad, which made me very sad. I am thinking about sponsoring her. So keep Suda in your prayers. I'll get a picture of her soon so you can see just how beautiful she is. That's all I have time for... off to Delhi!!!!

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